
Saturday, May 15, 2010

the State of we know it.

This is the State of Mind as we know it my niggaz, the State of Mind as we know it indeed. This right here is gonna be the 1st installment of a series I'm gonna call "The Real True DEVIL: the two-headed man made monster...Organized Religion and Organized Crime."

part 1: The 1st Face of Real True Evil (ORGANIZED RELIGION)

Now if there is one true real DEVIL of any kind, then it is without a doubt that wicked two-headed man made monster...specifically created by the truly demonic and evil Southern Italian race known as Sicilians. This here brutally wicked two-headed monster consists of Organized Religion and Organized Crime (same damn difference...if anyone truly cares to finally understand).

For years this foul creation has enslaved millions, killed billions, maimed and tortured most others all in the name of violence by way of mass profit and/or mass profit by way of violence. This creation in itself has displayed, for at least 2,000 some odd years, just how quick it is to enslave and employ even itself, if need be, for the sole purpose of mind control and eventually complete dominance and slavery over others.

Don't believe me?? It's right in your oh so Holy Christian Bible and your so called secular history books to follow. Granted, the early Italians (Romans, I think they were called) were first on the bandwagon, according to this boring ass folklore, to crucify your great storybook superhero Jesus Christ. Funny...not too much later, at least according to these same secular history books, these same early Italians were just as quick to praise this storybook superhero Jesus Christ as a deity and symbol of ultimate worship and tribute...standard practice in the Dark Ages if anything.

Coming, however from a race, that is by nature historically barbaric and just fuckin' uppity as all would only be proper to make sure this here Christianity (as named after this new fangled mythic folk hero Jesus Christ) would be the ultimate law of the land.

So naturally, they killed and bribed and raped and pillaged on their own land, and eventually ventured to many distant lands where they just as mercilessly and savagely killed and bribed and raped and pillaged on those lands for the sole purpose of converting anyone, and by any possible means necessary, to this funky fly fresh new creation: Christianity.

And why not?? Here's a religion that basically preaches all around pacifism and ignorance, charity just for the sake of charity, and any sort of indulgence...even of the most harmless, innocent, and sometimes, even of the quite beneficial and healthy kind, is a sin and a deadly abomination.

What better way to keep a whole generation and millions of generations to come under complete control and under total lock and key??? What better method of slavery and brainwashing can even the lowest and grimiest common hoodlum employ to make sure the masses stay poor, uneducated, ignorant, simpleminded, feeble, frail, and weak???

After all, once you're up there on top and to make sure you stay on top...even if means referring to such truly hideous and shameful practices as basic intimidation and deceit...just to keep those supposedly under you in line and in check...without any sense, or even hope of pride and empowerment...and all the while you yourself shamelessly and openly indulge in the most barbaric, offending, harmful, and deadly vices imaginable...without any possible known fear of punishment or repercussion...just to keep yourself, and you yourself alone secure and happy...and make sure all the rest simply bow at your feet like mindless wild dogs...then why the hell not???

And that is the single whole purpose of all organized religion, particularly Judeo-Christianity: BRAINWASHING!!!

Brainwashing by way of underhanded trickery, deceit, intimidation, drugging, and disease (mainly of a man made variety) to keep the supposedly poor, feeble, ignorant, and illiterate masses in line.

Standard and typical Judeo-Christian Catholic nonsense: "Thou must keep the underlings in check!!! Thou must fill their heads full of lies and doubts!!! Thou must keep them under constant surveillance!!! Thou must physically and violently prohibit and abolish any form, or even notion of free thought and free expression!!!"

"Thou must rob them of their riches and possessions and basic human right to dignity and and achieving his/her maximum potential in their respective lifetime...and most certainly forbid any means of education and positive encouragement, to make sure they never even amount to aquiring these riches and possessions...forget about even dreaming about basic human dignity and way. God forbid (hehe..i said "god" hehehehehe) one day that one lucky soul might gain those riches and possessions, and ultimately feel that inherently beautiful sense of basic human dignity and maximum potential in life...but wait, that would mean that one lucky soul could easily be a threat and a challenge...a rebel, a traitor, a usurper to your throne--for better or for worse!!!"

Therefore, what better way to keep the poor, feeble, ignorant, and illiterate masses in check: BRAINWASHING.

Brainwashing by way of writing the most psychotic, delusional, drama-filled, hilarious, absurdly moronic, nonsensical, poorly written, idiotic piece of trash literature known to man: Your wonderful Holy Christian Bible...which makes even Aesop's Fables and such crap look like genuinely intelligent and intellectual masterpieces. But then again, these are the Dark Ages we're talking about, in which I could just as easily draw, let's say, a crude depiction of a donkey screwing a sheep on the wall of a decrepit old cave with my own damn feces...and even the most common "individual" will gladly accept that obviously childish and barbaric act of primal stupidity as science and law.

The Southern Italian scoundrels picked up on this very quick and starting with the Romans, and their years of treachery to themselves and countless others; to the establishment of the historically disgusting and brutal money grubbing Catholic Church and their Inquisition; to the Salem witch hunts; the Red Scare, the establishment of the Italian Mafia and their overt use of Christian idolatry and ritual in their horrific, greedy, corrupt, and murderous endeavors; Catholic priests molesting young boys without the slightest fear of repercussion...

...all the way to the even now current "American Government" sponsored practice and theory of flooding the inner cities with heroin, crack, and the most highly advanced military level ammunition and firepower keep even that one lucky and fortunate kind and brilliant soul from reaching his/her full potential in life...empowering oneself to the most ultimate degree to enrich and totally better themselves and those around them..and for many generations to come!!!

I'm sorry to say though, with One Nation Under "God", in which, for example: every courtroom preceding traditionally begins with placing one's hand on a standard piece of idiotic and absolutely pathetic and mindless trash literature (the Holy Christian Bible)...that is completely fuckin' impossible.

Therefore, it is my utmost duty, as one of the very few truly enlightened, truly righteous and holy, truly cultured, truly elite, truly intelligent, truly intellectual, truly kind, productive, and giving, and truly liberated to do whatever I can in my power..while this still relatively young and healthy planet Earth of ours is still in do whatever the fuck it takes to finally chop off the ugly repulsive head of that foul scourge, that sole man made creation of that evil and barbaric race known as the Southern Italian: Organized fuckin' Religion...namely least for peace of mind, and to ensure a prosperous and happy existence for future generations to come. Hail Satan my niggaz...Hail satan indeeeeeeeeed. :)

Hmmmm??? You ask why I praise the name of Satan in this ultimately righteous and pure endeavor??? Well, that's because I'm a born true to form open and proud Satanist in every sense of the word. Believe that.

And when I mean Satanist, I don't mean some inbred glue-sniffing 7 year old redneck cracker, out in Appalachia somewhere, slaughtering cats and rabbits and dogs and shit in the name of some other storybook superhero character--"The Devil"...or some other childish and superstitious foolishness.

I'm a born true to form open and proud Satanist in the sense that I do the right, smart, and honest thing...and not only reject, but spit and shit on your Christian Holy Bible and all it's foul and moronic overtly sensational and fictional degrading lies and propaganda...and I violently and brutally curse any "man" who continues to this very so called "Modern Day" who knowingly and shamelessly uses and constantly rearranges it's all ready empty and idiotic words in order to stay on top, so to speak...and to keep even the most righteous, lucky, brilliant, loving, giving, nurturing, compassionate, witty, strong willed, honorable, and fortunate soul down.

White "America", especially YOU of Southern Italian mongrel stock...a born true to form open and proud Satanist such as I is onto you, has been onto you, and always will be onto you and your sick, greedy, and perverted games so as they say "Watch Your Back". Good luck to you...oh, you oh so righteous and holy soldiers and humble servants of your lord god Jesus're gonna need it. :)

Hail Satan my niggaz, and may the foulest of curses fall upon mankind: PEACE!!!

(Axis Sallyboy X.--Supreme Minister of Propaganda--O.N.U.S)

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